Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yes, I’ve had my birthday in the middle of it all. I’m 35 now, have been since the middle of October.

It was a nice, quiet day I spent with my family. We had fun, we were talking, there was some cake, but I didn’t do anything special. I never do on my birthdays. When I feel like it, I do something special every day … because every day is special. It’s not the date, it’s what you make of it.

35 years on this planet, that’s quite some time. The strange thing is I don’t feel like it. I’ve spotted the first white hair (and yes, despite being a natural brunette, my hair actually turns white, not grey) around my 25th birthday. So I’ve never really seen any of them (one here one there, natural highlights, you might call them) as a sign of my growing age.

It’s probably true: you’re as old as you feel.

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