Thursday, February 01, 2007

'Killerspiele' Update

Here's another update on the "Killerspiele"-discussion.

While surfing the web this Sunday, I found a pre-formulated letter of complaint with which adult gamers were asked to complain to their representative. After all the whole discussion about "Killerspiele" only means one thing: those who actually have the right to own and use those types of games usually described with the word get discriminated against. As we are not all adolescents or children - and thus have the right to vote as well as the right to play those games - why should we not exercise our rights as voters and write to our representative to show him we do not feel represented the way we should?

I'm going to sent this letter ... it's not insulting or anything, so the politicians can hardly complain - and if every representative in our Bundestag gets at least 10 or so of those letters, that'll be over 6.000, enough to show we mean business.

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