Thursday, March 15, 2007

A new Online-Comic

While I've been browsing various sites - including the "DorkTower"-Website - I've found a link to an online-comic I'll surely follow from now on: Girl Genius (and yes, that's why there's a big "Girl Genius" banner on the right side of my blog now, complete with a link, just click on it if you want to read it for yourself - if you like Steampunk, action and horror stories, it'll be worth it).

What do I like most about online-comics?

I can't truly say it, I've been reading "DorkTower", "The Misadventures of Hello Cthulhu" and various others - including my quick look at the web-comics by Tikwa ("Die kleine Gruftschlampe" and "Ziggy SpaceRat") every now and then.

But what I basically like most about them, I think, is that they are good. You can put everything on a website - even my stories, though I'll not try to rate them, as I've written them and am not neutral therefore - and not everything necessarily has to be good. But the web-comics I read are very good - and if I didn't live in Germany and had an easier way to buy them in print, I'd do it. I need some good, new comics anyway...

(And I'm still hoping for a German Edition of the third volume of "Knights of the Diner Table - Bundle of Trouble".)

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