Monday, September 24, 2007

A novel concept

New ideas might come from everywhere. But a new concept of marriage coming from a female conservative politician surely isn't an everyday occurrence.

Of course, all the magazines and newspapers jumped to it immediately - what did you expect, honestly? A conservative politician - and a woman at that - saying that marriage should be restricted to seven years and afterwards the couple should decide whether or not to continue it. That could easily lead to the bankruptcy of all lawyers specialized on divorce...

And about two days after she said it, a comedian claims it was his idea all along. That's strange, because I can remember such a law being the basis of an episode of "The Dinos" years ago... Besides needing a licence to raise kids, the dinosaurs had to renew their marriage every couple of years - no wonder they're extinct...

What surprised people a lot more than the idea as a such, though, was the person who voiced it. Gabriele Pauli is, as I pointed out already, a conservative politician - and all conservative parties in Germany keep a 'Christian' in their name. And, if they haven't changed it completely while I wasn't looking, marriage are still meant to last "until death does us part" in the Christian churches - especially in the Roman-Catholic church. Seven years normally do not mean "until death does us part" - unless, of course, you marry at the age of eighty or so.

On the other hand - considering the rate of divorce in Germany - the idea of limiting the duration of marriage to seven years could safe an awful lot of people an awful lot of money.

Nevertheless, I can't shake off the suspicion the whole thing was just supposed to bring her some publicity. To bad, the idea is good...

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